학술대회명 | 2019 Korea-Yonsei-NIPS International Joint Symposium(공동) |
주최기관 | Brain Korea 21 KU Medical Science Center for Convergent Translational Research, Korea University |
기관 | 2019.7.4(목)~2019.07.05(금) |
장소 | 고려대학교 의과대학 유광사홀 |
참가자수 | 100 |
참가국 | 대한민국, 일본 |
내용 | Session 1. From Molecules to Systems in Physiology and Pathology Session 2. Cutting-edge Technologies in Biomedical Research Session 3. Young Scientist Session 1 Session 4. Convergence and Translation in Biomedical Research Session 5. Young Scientist Session 2 Session 6. Special Session |